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Wiggly Wigglers Question

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Need some info please :D


I've just had my first catalogue from Wiggle Wigglers delivered by my postman. Though I think it is very strange that the catalogue was posted without any clear plastic cover around it, just the book through the letter box. Is this normal for the catalogue, or does it usually come with plastic cover and order forms included?


Many thanks :)

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I've had both. I think my last one turned up "as is", with the label stuck to the cover, but I haven't had the new "pig's bum" one yet :)


EDIT - mine arrived this morning, sans wrapper but in perfectly good condition. Well done to Wiggly Wigglers for cutting down on plastic!

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My pig bum catalogue didn't have a cover, and I loved that... I need to write or call quite a few companies to ask them to stop sending me their catalogue, as I find it just as easy to browse their stuff online, and what bugs me is having to take the plastic covers off to then recycle the catalogues!! (OK, ok, maybe I'm lazy)...


We've ordered our layers mash from them, and they are so helpful if you email them with any query about anything... (well, maybe not 'anything', but anything relating to the things they sell and deal with)...

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Same here - I get annoyed when you order stuff online then they insist on sending paper catalogues ad nauseam. Hello! I used the internet to buy your stuff in the first place! :roll:


The only paper catalogue I find indispensable is the Organic Gardening one, as it's much easier to choose vegetable varieties when you can see them all on one page instead of clicking back and forth. Also, when I do seed swaps I often give away the original packet and just keep the seeds, and I rarely remember to jot down the sowing info first!

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Thanks for the replies peeps.


Yes, I quit agree about saving on plastic packaging, but I was just a bit worried in case there was an order form enclosed and some one may have opened it and used it with my details on it but sent it to a different address. As it seems to be the norm then I feel much better knowing that now, thanks again :D

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