mammachucky Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 Hi there, This is my first message, so please bear with me if I am doing this wrong. Lasy year we bought our three kids a chicken each to keep at our allotment, and we were hooked, I bought my two girls age 10 and 11 an incubator for christmas and we successfully hatched four silkies on boxing day, it was fantastic!! Since then we have bought a cockrel and hatched some of our own eggs and have two more named faith (had to get this one out of shell) and speckles. We then bought two white Campbell call ducks and she had started laying so we put in 6 eggs. Two died early on but the other four were due today. Candled them they had pipped through there air sacs on Thursday and were cheeping, stopped turning them and dropped temp by 1 degree, by friday they had stopped moving and cheeping!! Thought maybe they would run out of air so made a little hole in the end. Duckling still and not breathing same in all eggs. WHat do you think I have done wrong, anything else I should have done. Kids were devestated. :(Starting another set of seven off today!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Frugal Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 Oh what a pity . I think you might get more answers if you post your query on one of the forums with more experienced hatchers on such as River Cottage Forum or Practical Poultry Forum as they might have more idea about what went wrong. Good luck with your latest hatch. Let us know how you get on, won't you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lesley Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 That is a shame I've only ever hatched ducklings under a broody duck so can't help there. As Kate says, try the other forums for more help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gooner.girl Posted March 26, 2008 Share Posted March 26, 2008 By campbell - call ducks do you mean a cross between a campbell and a call? Cos i have both (2 girl khaki campbells and 2 male call ducks) and was wondering whether there could indeed be a cross and if so what it would look like. Good luck with the new lot of eggs btw... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cazz Posted March 29, 2008 Share Posted March 29, 2008 did you stop turning after they had broken through the sack? you should hsve really stopped before then, its a possibility its tried getting through and been turned so it couldnt? did they not crack holes in the egg themselves? with ducklings they break through the sack then make a little ai hole in the shell, they then rest for 12-24 hours before breaking out completely. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...