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Sarah B

Free Ranging

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Well 1 pic went to small size in photobucket! I'm trying to get the hang of it.


Anyway enjoy my girls free ranging yesterday. They love it - too much methinks for when I'm at work and they can't go out :?


In the 2nd and last pic Madras is showing off her new red wattles - I think she is going to start laying next week or 2? Fingers crossed!





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they are beautiful. what breed are they :D


Just the Omlet hybrids, a Gingernet Ranger - Tikka and Madras is a Miss Pepperpot.


They are both out again at the mo but I keep having a look every 5 mins because I'm worried about foxes now.


Cleaned the Eglu this morning in the freezing cold so they have a nice clean house to go back into.


Spoilt hens. :D

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