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Old worn Out Pillows, Duvets and Towels

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I am having a good clearout as the house is going up for sale :D


Had enough of the gales, eh? :)


Yes! and Seagulls :twisted: and having half the beach plastered to my windows :shock:


Thanks for the ideas :D I know someone who owns a dog boarding kennels and they also take in strays, so I will give her a call and see if she can use them :D

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TBH, if you are moving, I might keep the duvets for packing purposes - they are good padding for things like TVs or glass-fronted bookcases. I know the removal men will have blankets for things like that, but you might find them handy to use, and then recycle them afterwards.


I always keep old towels for nursing sick cats/chickens, it's useful to have something you can put on your lap or on the car seat in an emergency if you're transporting a poorly animal.


When I had my first flat, my dad turned up with a bag of 'rags' - old t-shirts, tea-towels etc, saying 'you never have these when you are just starting out'. I was very touched as he wasn't given to such thoughtful gestures. He was absolutely right, and I have kept a rag-bag ever since. It means there's always something to stick under a leaking radiator, polish a bit of silver with, or use for cleaning muddy boots.

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