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A fox attack then an afternoon in A&E....

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Hello Buffie and motherhen,


Both DS and Queenie are now doing well. Queenie doesn't seem remotely bothered by the fox attack, and is still laying me an !egg! each day. She's such big fat solid hen, it would probably take q wolf or something to scare her :shock: Gloria's a bit subdued though, so am wondering if she's a bit traumatised by it all. She was nearly caught the previous time.


I've ordered a run converter so that they can all have a bit more space when I am not in the garden with them. Hopefully it'll arrive before the weekend :D


And DS is fine too. He's been staying with his grandparents this week so I haven't seen the changing hue of his bruise...but am picking him up from Waterloo in a couple of hours so I'll see it then! The stitches come out tomorrow or Friday 8)


Here's hoping we have a nice peaceful Easter holiodays after all this drama :roll:



Cookie. xx

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I am pleased things are returning to normal for you and all concerned Cookie. Sounds like you have a lovely Easter planned, and I'm sure Gloria will be back to her busy self soon. It must be a huge shock for such a little henny to cope with. Lots of TLC will do the trick :)

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I know you probably had a terrible day, but I'm sitting here laughing like a loon - starting with where you passed out! Sorry!


I'm glad someone else has days like me!


Hope DS is feeling better and healing nicely, DD is being sympathetic (I have small children too!) and you're not feeling guilty about the block of G&B.


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Happymama, I'm glad it made you chuckle - it makes me laugh too now I think back to it :lol::lol: And DD spent the afternoon in A&E with dried ketchup all over her face as I didn't wipe her up from lunch properly as I grabbed my bags and raced out of the door to pick up DS :roll:


DS has a gory scab along his head, but no stitches any more - they came out this evening :D (and I didn't faint...).


DD has had a run of days where she keeps falling over - you know how sometimes it goes like that? She has two grazed knees and wants to know why she can't have stitches too :roll: DS was clearly so brave she doesn't realise it hurts having stitches!



Cookie. xx


PS. I never feel guilty about G&B - I read somewhere that dark chocolate is good for fighting off heart disease or something, so its now officially guilt free 8):D

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