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Anybody got RIR (large or miniatures)?

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As some of you may know, my son Kop boy wants a RIR. The Hen House at Diss has RIR miniatures and I was wondering if anybody kept them. I don't know a lot about the breed and wondered if anybody had any practical advice. Son feels more at ease with the bantams and so we thought that the miniatures would be perfect.


I am going over to look at them on Sunday.

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Ooh, tell me what they are like! I think DH would like a little red hen to replace Morag (our Calder Ranger whom he named), should we have space at some point. He is definitely very smitten with Gytha, the darkish lemon pekin...


Either an RIR, or a mini buff orpington ;)

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My Ruby is a RIR Bantam. she is lovely, friendly and docile, always follows me around the run getting under my feet.


She was a good layer until last august. I am still waiting for her to start laying again, she is getting on a bit probably about 4 years old now. She has never been broody and is not noisy. Her wings have never been clipped but she has never tried to get over the top of the Omlet netting.

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My Ruby is a RIR Bantam. she is lovely, friendly and docile, always follows me around the run getting under my feet.


She was a good layer until last august. I am still waiting for her to start laying again, she is getting on a bit probably about 4 years old now. She has never been broody and is not noisy. Her wings have never been clipped but she has never tried to get over the top of the Omlet netting.


Thanks for that. They sound like they have a lovely nature...just perfect for my son.

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One of my chooks is a RIR, she's a large one though, not bantam.She's not as forward as the Bluebelle and Warren, very tentatively took food from youngest sons hand today - but keeps getting pushed out the way by the bossy ones ! She's a lovely colour and seems to be the 'sensible one' - if chooks can be labelled like that ! gets rather annoyed with anyone who dilly dallys over going to bed or sits in her way :lol: she also sounds rather like duck :? even when she's in the coop you can tell when she's telling someone off as it's more of a quack than a cluck ! :lol:

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she also sounds rather like duck :? even when she's in the coop you can tell when she's telling someone off as it's more of a quack than a cluck ! :lol:

Mine too. :lol:


Abbie is very cheeky, top hen, can be noisy*. She's normal size (is bigger than my gingernut and Welsummer).

She always inspects the eglu when I clean it, pecks at my rubber gloves, and jumped on my back once. She's boldest as long as you don't touch her, she can squat AND run.


*we could have spotted this on purchase as she made loud noises as soon as she was put in a box, and in the car :roll:


I'd bear in mind they are good layers for pure breeds and used to breed most hybrids

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