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Sarah B

One laying - one not - change in sleeping arrangements!

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Hi All


My Pepperpot is laying now but my Gingernut is a way off yet. Usually when they go to 'bed' they cuddle up together but since the Pepperpot has started laying (yesterday) the Pepperpot sleeps in the usual corner and the Gingernut now sleeps in the nestbox (which she has never done) away from her? :?


Is this normal? Maybe she is wondering what she is missing after seeing the Pepperpot on the nestbox and making eggs? Maybe she just thinks the Pepperpot is now 'odd'? Has anyone else had this?



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Aw sorry you didn't get any replies first time round :(


I'm a newbie chicken owner myself, but I did notice with my 3 that the first few weeks they all crowded into the nest box on top of each other :shock: but then gradually spread out - two on the roosting bars and one in the nest box so maybe its just a maturity thing- they need their own space?!


Try not to worry- I'm sure they are still happy.

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They both seem happy and yes it is a pain getting poo out of the aubiose in the nextbox now.


I hope it will be back to the usual sleeping arrangements when they are both laying.


We just ate the first eggs - YUM! I'm getting one a day from my Pepperpot in fact she's on the nest now making us another one :lol:


Thanks for the replies I was a bit worried about the change in the behaviour.

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