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Please could someone define 'crouching'?

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I have seen lots of posts with people saying their chickens are crouching in the run up to laying their first egg, but what exactly does it look like?


Is it just when they lie down, because they're doing it like they're propped up on one leg? Does anyone have a photo of their chicken crouching so I know what to look out for? :roll::lol:

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I don't have a photo, but it's unmistakable when you see it!


The hen typically freezes, holds her wings out to the side, looks nervous and lowers her body - it's as if she has seen a predator. Sometimes she "tap-dances" on the spot, sometimes she just remains utterly still. She only does this when you (the surrogate cockerel) get within about a foot of her.


Hope this helps!

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crouching is like squatting.


If you approach your hen or move your hand low above her back she should suddenly stop still and both her wings move out in a squatting position.


Ah well, Mine still leg it off up the garden when I come near so we are definitely not at the crouching stage! Although bizarrely, they are quite happy for my toddler to walk up and pet them.

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I had my first crouch tonight, don't worry you won't mistake it for anything else! :lol:


Madras just bokked and got in front of me and erm presented herself! She crouched to the floor with her tail slightly raised and wings tucked in but slightly apart from her body in an 'elbow' out position :D She stayed like it while I bokked back and gave her a fuss and a stroke for being such a clever girl and was still doing it 20 secs later after I had moved on and started scattering mixed corn! :shock:


I felt guilty I was not the cockerel she was expecting :lol::lol:

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....they are quite happy for my toddler to walk up and pet them.


My chooks love DD more than me too. She spent ages in the run today sitting on her little garden chair with her pekin on her lap, chatting to her and handfeeding her grit(!) - this is the same chook who runs a mile from anyone else, even with treats!


Re crouching - you will definitely know it when you see it.

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....they are quite happy for my toddler to walk up and pet them.


My chooks love DD more than me too. She spent ages in the run today sitting on her little garden chair with her pekin on her lap, chatting to her and handfeeding her grit(!) - this is the same chook who runs a mile from anyone else, even with treats!


Re crouching - you will definitely know it when you see it.


Aaah - have just been to look at your pics on the Gallery - what lovely chickens, am especially taken with your silver laced wyandotte! They definitely look like they're fond of your daughter - maybe it's because they're a bit nearer the ground than grown ups!!


My dd is only 22 months but when I pick her up from nursery, the first thing she says isn't hello Mummy, but 'bok bok bok'!! :lol: My husband thinks I am making it up but she is definitely very attatched to them and they to her!

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Aaah - have just been to look at your pics on the Gallery - what lovely chickens, am especially taken with your silver laced wyandotte!


Shame she's such a grumpy madam, she's my least friendly chicken, which is why I can't get a decent photo of her. Good egg layer though, 6 a week at the moment. :D

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