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House MD

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Does anyone watch this. It was hysterical last night (Channel 5).

I love the way he is going through a reality TV style knock-out employing 30 doctors (all numbered) so that he can cut it down to the 3 he misses (you know he does really :wink: ).

Hugh Laurie is a genius, and another loveable non-politically correct character.

The "I'm not no. 6 I'm no. 9" was amusing, and the "hmm I think I like no. 9" with the blond doctor giving him daggers for coming back after being fired with the sign upside-down.

Wilson and Cutty are always good as well.

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I love House & last nights was an especially good episode.

I loved the numbered candidates being knocked out of the job race for no reason other than sitting in row C (or is that D? :lol: )


Brilliant stuff as always.


The daughter is a big fan & never realised that Hugh Laurie was also in Blackadder which she loves too.

You should have seen her face when she made the connection :roll::lol::lol:

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I mustn't look at this thread again. I am still on series two :roll: (just three more to watch).


Then I can order series three. :D


By the time I've watched that Series four will be available in the sales and series five will be on telly. I'm sure one day I'll catch up. :roll:

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I love House & last nights was an especially good episode.

I loved the numbered candidates being knocked out of the job race for no reason other than sitting in row C (or is that D? :lol: )

Except the attractive woman :roll:

Cutty's face was a picture

The daughter is a big fan & never realised that Hugh Laurie was also in Blackadder which she loves too.

You should have seen her face when she made the connection :roll::lol::lol:



I feel a bit guilty for doing a spoiler thread.

It took me a LONG time to get over the accent, now the script and HL just cracks me up.

I think we've seen every Jeeves and Wooster as they keep getting repeated (cable?) to the point of oh no not that one again :oops::roll:

I loved Stephen Fry in Bones, maybe now he's done one US programme he can do another? :pray:

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