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New chicks *UPDATED- Photo*

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Hi, Ive just been to Woodside and bought 2 friends for Pebbles- a Black Rock and a Calder Rander, has anybody got any of these breeds? Any ideas what they are like?


Also at what age should i introduce them to Pebbles? I feel really bad for her as she is living by herself in the eglu and looks so sad :(





Heres a pic of the new girls.. They hatched on the 12th March!

Still have no names yet...



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AFAIK, Omlet's "Gingernut Ranger" and "Miss Pepperpot" are just variant names for the Calder Ranger and Black Rock - so many people here have them. It's a bit like big name manufacturers making "own brand" products for supermarkets :)


How old are the chicks?

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my ex bat Saffy has been on her own for 2 months after a fox killed her friends, my 3 new girls arrived today from omlet & I put them straight in with her, so far everything seems fine, they are too young to lay just yet so saffy has taken over as top girl

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