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Have a look in the back of Practical Poultry - they have lists of breeders in each area. Andrew Wilson in Ongar does have them, he was recommending them to me, also Smilers Farm in on A127 near Wickford - not sure if they have them at the moment and also not sure if he will sell a hen without a cockrel (that seemed to be the impression when I visited but it was his young son who said it!)


Hope this helps.

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thanks for the posts,

we have two bantams and one miss pepperpot. The pepperpot is in the eglu on her own as poppy died yesterday and daisy some time ago. The bantams have their own house so brahmas may be alright just to sleep inthere as they would freerange. If not, a smaller breed [midsized chook] will be fine, any advice is welcome :) .

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