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Chickens and Melon

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when I was about 11 years old (1981-ish), we went to Cornwall for our hols and we stayed on a farm, 'West Frevallick Farm' I think it was called, near Looe. We came back from the beach one day and I had some watermelon that I hadn't eaten and the farmer's wife suggested I give it to the chickens. I threw it on the floor and about 20 chickens descended on it, when the sea of chickens parted, the piece of melon had been stripped bare! It was like watching a shoal of piranah fish! Very funny, I'll never forget it :D

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Coincidentally I tried mine with half a honeydew melon with most of the seeds removed, just yesterday. They stared at it for a minute and then pecked at the few seeds. So I put a few more seeds in, and then a few more. Then they started on the flesh. They ate quite a lot of it! There was a rain shower and they drank all the water from it too. I put what was left in the compost bin when they went into their Eglu for the night.

If you are wondering why I fed 2 chickens half a melon, I'd already eaten half and it was actually quite tasteless!

I wonder how my girls would devour a really tasty melon!

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