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Sarah B

Rubbish Day Off

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I'm having a pooey day today. OH said he was taking the day off on Monday so I thought it would be nice to take the day off as well. He was pleased.


So far today we have had an argument, he has been in a crabby mood which has now put me in a crabby mood. Thought he might at least suggest a pub lunch?? Fat chance.


I am doing my 2nd load of washing about to do a third.


One of my customers has emailed me because my boss hasn't done something and boss said I have to do it?? :x


Why did I bother taking the day off at all? :shock:


On a plus side - I can chicken watch and I had another lovely egg 60g (biggest yet) from my Madras. :D


If OH thinks I'm cooking him something nice for tea he can dream on! 8)

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Hi Laura,


That's sounds like a blummin' good plan. Unfortunately I'm now commited to the washing - got a 4th load lined up. I have to do the customer stuff as negotiating a big order but yes - a G&T in the garden with the chooks sounds good!


Funnily enough, OH said next time he has a day off he won't tell me cos I'VE been horrible ???? Maybe it's my hormones :oops:


Takeaway sounds good!


Thanks x

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Dear god dont blame your hormones girl, that's your OH's job! :wink: When Mr Rhapsody rubs me up the wrong way I make a salad for dinner...


:lol::lol: Mine won't eat any form of salad, never has. Nor does he eat fruit. Good job he eats meat and veg or I would have to feed him intravenously? :lol: I think he's an alien.


He's not getting anything from me tonight and that includes food :wink:


Blummin' men. :roll:

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I am going to work tonight instead of today and thought that i could do a bit of grouting in the shower room, hover the house and hopefully get a nice meal out of my wife.


Instead I have spend 8 hours trying to break up fights between chickens tried to re-house one, cheers guys for the help. Re developed my garden because Stephanie let the chickens out and thought it was good that they dug up every plant that I have grown over the past 4 years.


Have now got to go and do another chore that was left for some one else. In the mean time have batted away about 50 calls on my now very low charged mobile from the idiots at work saying what do you want me to do next. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! Not you guys.

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Hi Trapper,


I'm sure it isn't girls only. I just think that men are seriously outnumbered on this forum so can't you win.


I'm sorry that you are all having bad days off. I used to long for a day off when I was working but now that I'm a full time mum there are days that I wish I had a full time job. :roll:


I guess there's always something that you'd rather be doing.


Hope your days improve

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It's not sunny here :lol: However I do have a G&T on the go, don't care if it's too early :oops: and the last of the washing is in the machine!! :D


I used to have 4 tortoises when I was young - they eat for Britain like the chickens! Our tortoises used to lay eggs but even though we had a male they were never fertile. We used to try and hatch them in sand in the airing cupboard. :)

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