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I have 2 roosters, one is an absolute darling and looks after his two girls and doesn't bother anyone and i also have Mr. pudding, the trouble maker.

he's faily big and very flouncy but he trys to mount all of my birds, that includes my two bantam girlies and both of my ducks :roll:

the problem is it really seems to distress then hens they flap and squak and get upset, i got him two girls of his own so he has three girls, including cleo, and i thought this might calm him down a bit but it hasnt really, he just has two new girls to terrorize.


is this because he is a maran and my other birds are smaller than him? the new girls are quite young so will they be more accepting when they are fully grown?

or is that just how chickens get on with it? :oops:


i just want to calm him down slightly? any suggestions would be very welcome thanks!


here's a pic of him



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Marans are quite big - maybe he is just not a good match for your girls?


I thought you were getting rid of Mr Pudding when you move? In the meantime, could you perhaps divide their run somehow, so he can't get at the hens, or would that just annoy him and make him noisy? I've never owned a cockerel, so I'm not sure what else to suggest... :(

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i tried to get rid of him but i cant find anyone to take him and i cant kill him, ive really become quite attached to him, im hoping we may be able to find a farm near my new home that may take him.


i did section him off for a while but he just became depressed.


for the moment im just keeping him away from the little girls and the new girls are fast enough to avoid him.


its quite sad. the new girls are black rocks i was hoping theyd get quite big and then would be okay.

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funny you should say taht because just before i came back on computer my littlest rooster, snape, attacked my mum. i just had to laugh though cause hes smaller (and about the same shampe) as a football but mum was jumpig up and down on the patio screeching.

she's okay now though i made her some sweet tea after her ordeal.

its weird, he's never even shown a hint of aggression towards me.

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that's a good point, they're young so still not laying, do you think they settle with him when they are?

he accepts that they are his girls now and he follows them around.

the bantams are laying but they dont let him mate with them but i thought this might be because they are snapes(my other rooster) girls.


chicken love is so confusing. :roll:

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