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Calling DS players!!

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I wondered if one of you lovely people could help my daughter :?

We went to Chester today for a shopping spree, and YD bought a DS game that is pre owned, it's the Animal crossing one, and already has some things stored from the previous owner, and she would like to delete them, but I don't know how to do it :oops:


She would be so impressed if I can just say, Oh you just need to do such and such :wink:


Thank you :lol:


Karen x

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OMG :shock:


I asked Dd when she got up and she told me how you have to do it but then the day got busy and I completely forgot to come on here to tell you :roll::oops:


Well done for doing it and I am so sorry for being such a numpty :?:oops:


That's OK, when I had done it she went to tell her older brother (who could have done it for her really :lol: ) and she told him that 'technically mummy did it', he was flabbergasted :D


Karen x

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