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size of roosting perches?

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I'm preparing my shed for some ex batt chickens. I was wondering how much perch space would 3 chickens require? Do they snuggle up together on one perch, or do they like to spread out a bit? Would a parrot type of perch (that you can get to go in parrot cages) be OK? If home made, does anyone have any dimensions?


Any advice appreciated





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Thanks for the info and link.


ahhh.... so basically a mini-pallet inside a large litter tray will do the trick. Wouldn't take me long to make the mini-pallet.


I'm just hoping they confine their poop to the litter tray (wishful thinking I know!!) but they will be sharing with two house rabbits who are litter box trained.


Would the chickens be happy roosting just on the perch bars in the shed, or would they prefer them in a large box to make them more cosy?


I have a couple of boxes to put straw in for them to lay in (I hope).


I'm completely new to this, so haven't a clue!!



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