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A Perfect 1st Egg!!

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We have had our chickens for exactly 1 month and guess what? Today we had our first ever egg!! :D!egg!

It is quite small, a perfect egg shape, in the nesting box.

The only question is............ Who laid it??

3 out of our 4 omlet girls have been crouching for about a week so we don't know who laid it!!

here are some pics- i hope they work!!












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Congratulations! 8)


It's a lovely pale cream colour. A bit unusual for a gingernut or pepperpot as they both are supposed to lay brown eggs. Not impossible for one to be different, or it might just be because it's a first egg. They sometimes need to lay a few before their true colour shows. The only real way to discover who laid is to camp by the eglu for the day and spy (yes, I have done it :oops: ) You will find that each chicken will lay a slightly different egg - either colour or shape. Out of ten chickens, I can tell who laid what egg 99.9% of the time :lol:

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Two more eggs today! :D:) Might be the same chicken though! Two kept charging in and out of the Eglu and we lost track of who was in there and when, but they seemed very interested when we went to peek! Both perfectly formed seemed over anxious when we went to search. Both perfect although still a little pale and small'ish. Will let you know on the tasting test!

Hattie !egg!


P.S- just about to send this and the girls have come to our kitchen and are eating the dogs roar mince meat and tinned cat food!!!!- should i worry???

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P.S- just about to send this and the girls have come to our kitchen and are eating the dogs roar mince meat and tinned cat food!!!!- should i worry???


Yes! Your poor cat and dog will starve! :wink:


Sorry, being flippant. Mine always make a break for the open kitchen door and raid the dog food. Dog is too scared to chase them off :lol: Doesn't do them any harm - a bit of extra protein aids feather growth 8)

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We have had 7 more eggs since Sunday!!

They are getting bigger and gradually browner. :D

We have eaten several and they are much better than Supermarket eggs!

We think we have sussed out who is laying- our pepperpot, Henrietta and out Gingernut, Bertie.

The other 2 are olmost there- they are crouching and combs are getting bigger and redder. :D

Can't wait for a full house!!!

Hattie (green eglu)

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