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The Pearsons

Record for hens in an eglu?

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I have both a cube and an eglu in a big chicken run (aka Hencatraz). Last night there were 7 hens sleeping in the cube and 4 in the eglu. All came out this morning to stuff themselves with food then the snow started...... and all 11 hens are now in the eglu. I don't know how they have all got in there but I'd guess sardines have nothing on my hens. Oh, they are big hens and not banties. Must find the camera!


This morning's eggs were all laid in the cube nest box though.....


Helen in Hume

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Nose to tail in tight formation..... and they swore at me when I opened the egg port to see what was going on! I was worried as they weren't out doing "hen things" and whe I collected the eggs they weren't in the cube so I thought I'd check the eglu "just in case..."


I'm feeding my neighbours hens tonight as she is away in Skye for the week. Hope her weather is better than ours. No pigs to feed this time round as the pigs are now all sausage, ham and bacon!

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