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new to chickens!!

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We have had our chickens for a whole 12 days now and have 'suffered' the worries of this new adventure (tan frothy poo, paper eating, being easily spooked - by the small garden birds! etc).

Joined the forum a couple of days ago, and having read lots of the posts, have a more peaceful mind now.

So a BIG THANK YOU to all who have walked this path before.

Hope we only have happy posts to make.



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The people on here are great aren't they. I'd have been lost without them!


I think it's hilarious to watch the chickens learning about the world.


Mine were scared were scared of the wild birds too. :roll: One has now got brave enough to chase the small ones away. Afterwards she struts about making a racket to make sure we all know how 'brave' she's been. It's great when you can start to be amused by their funny little ways instead of worrying about them

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Thanks for the encouragement.


I should have said we have 1 Miss Pepperpot (Penny) and 1 Gingernut (Henny) - named by our young grandson.


We can see the girls from our sittingroom, so already have had many moments of pleasure from them.


I will be a regular visitor, there's just so much to learn. :lol::D

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This is a great forum, everyone is so friendly and helpful ! We've had our chooks just over 2 weeks now ( can't believe times' gone so fast ) and I swear they are more of a worry than kids ! :lol: But they are so worth it, it's such fun getting to know all their little characters and as you've been told - it's VERY addictive.

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