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Chicken owner gets an asbo

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An interesting article here.


I saw this on GMTV this morning and the person stated he had inherited the chickens along with the wasteland they live on when he started his business, and continued to feed them. I believe the shop is in the town centre and near homes. Not sure if he owns the shop or rents it. The birds have been there for years and appear quite feral. They could be plainly seen up the trees on the TV piece, oh and they were very noisy whilst still dark :shock:

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This shouldn't really have needed to be escalated to an ASBO at the tax payers expense. It is a shame that some people just don't have common sense and consideration for others anymore! :roll:


Cockerels really shouldn't be kept in towns and cities full stop, they should be rehomed to a more suitable area.


Everyone should have the opportunity to keep some hens in their back garden though! :lol:


I live in the country and even I felt really embarrassed when 1 of my chicks turned out to be a cockerel. I personally loved the noise, but I'm sure my distant neighbours wouldn't have been too pleased, so unfortunately he had to go...

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This article also ran in The Metro. He has approx 100 chickens according to the article I read, but it didn't say how many were cockerels. It sounds that as well as the noise from the cockerels, there is a problem with the smell, and that he has to rehouse all of the chickens. Not just the cockerels. I wondered if someone from the BHWT would get in touch with him. They sometimes have waiting lists, for hens at least, perhaps they could help?

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I saw the gmtv bit and they were running around in what seemed to be like a s"Ooops, word censored!" yard, fridges, rubbish it was really bad. He seemed to feed them on anything to... lots of old loaves of bread lying around... I thought you couldn't feed them bread???


I think he had re homed 50 during the show, but it was really scarry, but he did seem to think the world of them.


I'm sure a lot was the media, but it did tug on my heart cos they didn't seem to have fox protection either?


not sure what to think...?

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Trouble with this type of rather innapropriate hen keeping is that nearly all houses biult in the last 20 plus yrs now have a thread on the deeds saying NO FOWL. Because of irresponsible owners who cause rodent infestation, noise problems and the glorious stench of chiken sh.... on a warm summer's day.

Silly man, he has now made it so much garder for good owners to keep hens in urban areas.

Rant over!!

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