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Double Yolkers & Egg Size

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Hello All


Can anyone tell me when hens (if at all!) lay double yolkers - is it when they first start laying or as they get a bit older?


Also - I cannot believe the weight of some of the eggs some of you have had - my Speckledy, Henrietta, has been churning out 1 what I would call large egg a day at around 65gms each - I thought that was as big as they'd get!! :?



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I think double yolkers are when they are very young but I've only ever had 2 and they were both from Daisy when she first started.


There is a useful size guide on http://www.britegg.co.uk/ukeggs05/ukeggs3.html that helps me when i need eggs for a recipe.


My Coral tends to lay 70g, Daisy is usually around 60 and Lily's a bit smaller still.



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i've had 8 eggs so far and they have all been double yokers!! But two were softies which broke as the silly girl laid them on the bars!! I haven't been able to sort out who's layingwhich yet - I need to catch them in the act!



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