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Are all dust baths like this????

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Have watched for the last half hour in amazement at the ritual involved in a dust bath. For whatever reason, never actually seen the girls do this in the last month - but today made up for it.


I assumed (obviously incorrectly) that they would go about their business independently and it was simply a case of fluffing up the feathers and scratching a bit of soil around onto their back and rolling around. NOT SO - all four of them wanted exactly the same patch of sun warmed soil - and they couldn't have squeezed together closer if they tried -their heads and necks were underneath the body of another hen and they rolled their little backs around in absolute estatic abondonement.


The fact their was a branch with thorns underneath them was neither here nor there - with a 15ftx8ft run - why all choose the same piece of soil??


Hilarious to watch - long may it continue!!!!!

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Ha ha ha! You describe it so well! Only a chicken owner would understand that chicken ecstasy they seem to get from dust bathing. Mine also squeeze into the tiniest area which one of them generally digs and they have such looks of ecstasy on their faces you wonder if there's something in the mud making them all dreamy! That's the BEST bit for me about having chickens.

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Mine bless em were trying to dustbath on hard soil so feeling sorry for them i went out and bought a HUGE plastic tray from a garden centre and filled it with soft peat and the other day Gwyn realised it wsn't just for walking around in and was rolling around in it...made me feel really glad i got it...i love watching them dustbath!!

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