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New to chickens and the forum

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Hi, We picked our chickens up last saturday. We have 4 Lohmans and 4 Black Rocks (yet to be named). Their main food is obviously layers pellets and we are unsure about the best treats we can give them. I work at the local Morrisons and can get loads of vegetables that are not good enough to sell. Any tips would be most helpful.. Thanks

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Hi and welcome to the forum from me.


Veg is definately good. Anything green is fab. Great for a lovely egg yolk colour. Mine are fussy and won't eat sprouts or carrots unless they are cooked but that's just my girls. I don't think they are allowed avacado or citrus. Potato skins must be cooked.


Mine love melon pips, anything green, even the woody brocolli stalks, go mad for cooked rice and pasta, and baked beans (washed, no sauce). The list is endless.............

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Welcome! :D From reading everything on here and trying things at home, I can only suggest you try different things! My girls like raisins, mixed corn. mealworms and grapes! They don't like potato skins (cooked) lettuce, tomatoes or apples. I think a lot of this is trial and error. Just try them, they'll let you know! :lol:

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Welcome to the forum. I've only had my chickens for 3 weeks and mine adore grapes and dried meal worms as special treats. They all take these from my hand now and Edith and Ron have been so bold as to sit on my knee so they can get more than their fair share :D They also love brocolli and cabbage.


There's a good page on the forum which gives a list of good and bad foods for chickens.



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Hello and welcome to the forum.


How lucky to have access to all that veg for them.


I wouldn't over do it at first though, it might give them the squitts.


re the red cabbage,,,,,there is only one way to find out! That might make their poo an interesting colour. :lol:


Some chickens are fussy and will only eat their veg cooked.


By the way....always cook potatoes or potato peelings before feeding to the hens....they contain a toxin which is rendered harmless by cooking.

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At the moment, I just give treats at 5pm. Only tried cabbage (white) and a few grapes but they are not interested. A few sprinklings of mixed corn goes down well!! Sooo glad i registered with this forum, you people seem so friendly and very helpful.


Having the chickens make me get out of bed early when I have a chance of a lie in, they are influencing my life already. Well worth it, didn't realise they could be so amusing.

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Regarding the red cabbage - I bought a large bag of mixed salad for the chooks today - threw it on the path and they ate all the green lettuce first, then all the shredded red cabbage, then lastly the shredded carrott. It was funny seeing their preferences - but it all disappeared in the end :roll:

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Hi and Welcome to the forum and to chicken keeping. I have only had my girls four weeks and dont know what I would have done without the advice and support of people here. I worried about treats but would echo what people say they have different preferences and will let you now what they do and dont like - for mine raisins are absolute favourites followed by sweetcorn cooked pasta and cooked rice and brocollior cucumber hung up in the run :wink:

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