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My ORPINGTONS have feathered feet!!!

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Does anyone know...I have been told that Orpingtons shouldn't have feathered feet! Both of my buff orps have, but my blue laced orp doesn't and is now laying quite happily.

My feathered footed buff orps are not layingyet, but their combs haven't grown yet, despite us having had them for over 2 months. :roll:

Have we been sold "duds", or are they just unusual for Orps? Will we have any problems getting them to lay? Or are they even orps at all??? :shock:

The feet are lightly feathered, not as much as a cochin, and their temperament is lovely.

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She does look like an Orpington, so I don't think you have a Cochin by mistake.


Have the feet feathers grown recently, or has she always had them? If the latter, they may drop off as she grows up. My Orpington is 20 weeks old in the photograph above, and looks much the same age as yours. She is still dropping baby feathers all the time, even though she is twice the size of my remaining Omlet hen.


Your Orp must have been extremely young when you bought her; but the hens you get when they are very young end up the tamest, so it is worth waiting.


She is gorgeous. I think I might like Orpingtons even more than Cochins. Big and fluffy is best.

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she looks like a cochin to me :D . By the beak, If you look at Gallina's pics of her cochin and orpington you can see the orpington's beak is slightly longer. In your photos the beak looks the same as the cochin, she looks like my girls. Also the comb on a cochin is tiny which could explain why your chook's comb hasnt grown. :think:


Whatever she is - she is gorgeous!


I agree with Gallina - big and fluffy is the best! :wink:

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