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Not Nice To See..

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We Rescued 7 Battery Hens Last Year. We Cared For Them And They Are Healthy Now :D But, I've Asked Around My Mates Who Own Chickens, But They've Never Seen Like Two Girls, Like.. Mating.

Well Hardly Mating, They Can't. Two Girls :oops: But Why Are They Doing It? Isn't Showing Dominance Like The 'Pecking Order?' No Pecking Going On What So Ever.

Non Of My Friends Ever Experienced This, Practically "Ooops, word censored!"ody I Know. It Can't Be That Rare Can It?


- Amy

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Maud jumped on shallot once but not in a sexual way, she was just reminding shallot who was the boss.


Maud's a gem, as well as keeping them in line, she protects them too and makes sure they're all okay.

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My top chick was known to sit on the bottom chicken in the pecking order when she was in the nest trying to lay - I have noticed more recently the lower chicken only lays in the afternoons these days - after the other two are done with the nesting box.


I would say yours sound like pecking order as well.



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