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Should i be buying something for the girls

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Hello again to you all,

I have a jack russell and yesterday my daughter found Ticks on him about 6 in all ( very very small) , his frontline ran out 2 weeks ago and i forgot to put more on :oops:. I have done so now and the vet said it will kill his ticks, for the rabbit she gave us Advantage and said to check him every day for Ticks if we find any to put Vaseline on them. What about my girlies :shock: she said that maybe Ticks would go to them. if they do is it Vaseline on them too? We have a Hedgehog in the garden because i have cleared "parcels"from the grass. Scamp is a "ratter" in every sense of the word and spends his day looking for any evidence of "Mickeys" or Rats, and Stewie the rabbit follows him every where.

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arrh all is explained. i have to stop them both from hanging around the shed where the hedgehog is, they are like laurel and hardy where one is the other is. i netted it off about an hour ago but couldn't find either rabbit or dog so went round to the shed and their they both sat on the wrong side of the netting waiting for me to get them out :roll: . i scolded them both with "you bad bad pair, out, out" but i know they will be back there mainly because scampi knows the hedgehog is there under the shed and stewie follows him

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The other way of killing & removing ticks is to get one of them small ear droplet thingies and put a tiny amount of nail varnish remover on the tick.It will almost immedietely be disolved it and will drop off without leaving its mouth inbedded in the animals skin (which is what happens when you try to rip it off).


Put a dollop of Savlon on the area afterwards and your dog will be fine!

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hey thanks for that tip i will have a go right now, he has frontline on now and i think he only has one left. he is a wirey hair jack russell and yesterday i cut his hair really really short and will keep it that way. no evidence of any on the bunnie but i will check them all every day. i really hate them. thanks steve

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Strong alchol works too. Vodka, whisky... etc. I used to get ticks all the time when I was little (too much time spent playing in mossy bits of field I think!) and when the surgical spirit ran out, cheap booze it was. Must've been disconcerting for anyone coming across a 6-year-old stinking of cheap cooking sherry/etc.

Fortunately it was before Lymes/weils/whichever one you get from ticks was so widespread.

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