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Record Keeping

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Thanks for the replies, it was more to keep track of who laid and when and how long feed lasted rather than trying to make money, although they will be pets eventually we'd like to kepe them on a much bigger scale and so I tohught that it would be good to get used to record keeping and the like while I was starting small!



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It's a good idea, but I wouldn't be disciplined enough to keep it up to date! :roll::wink:


But if your planning to start an egg production buisness then yes this is probably the best way to get some experience of record keeping...

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I'm much to scared to keep a tally, as I am normally a prudent, careful person and I don't want to know how big a loss I am making on my hens.


On the other hand, the eglus and cubes don't seem to suffer much depreciation judging by the prices on eBay, so maybe I am too pessimistic. In fact, it's even possible that my eggs are costing under £5 each.

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Which is why I'd like to give it a go before I try anything bigger!


The only other piece of advice I would like to give you, is if you plan to turn it into a successful business, then you would have to change the way you feel about your chooks and detach yourself from them emotionally.


For example if you have a really large flock, you can't really continue to keep them as pets, as it will become uneconomically viable with vet bills/funerals and treats etc.


It is a shame, but in business your main priorities should be meeting UK animal warfare standards (so that you don't get prosecuted and the hens still live a happy/regulated life) and making money (this includes cutting costs where possible, feeding only when necessary and no treats etc.)


I know it's still only a plan, but if you do decide to make a go of it, I really do wish you all the best of luck with it, it would be my ideal fantasy job!


I would love to start my own egg production business, but I am too laid back and relaxed about things... :wink:

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