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After waiting 3 years to get chickens and having to delay getting them from last week to this, I got given a date of tomorrow at 1pm am so excited, now just had an email that they won't be here until the 3rd May. So what do I do, do I wait or do I see if there's anywhere else local to me that I can get them tomorrow? Does anyone have any experience of the Domestic Fowl Trust? I can't se eon their site which breeds they have.





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Mine all came from Domestic Fowl Trust - they do loads, each time I have been they have had 12+ different ones for sale. I would ring them for current availability (and get there early in the day as it is manic around lunchtimes). To find the full list on their website (not all available at any time) go to the online catalogue, click on livestock and it shows the full range of pure breeds and the hybrids are at the end of the list.


They have always had blackrocks, speckledy, bluebelle, a ranger type as hybrids when I have been - plus light sussex, then a range of other changing pure breeds, incl orps, naked necks, bantams, etc.


I would show you a picture - but I cannot resize them and Kate will tell me off!



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They have always had Bluebelles when I go there (I use the excuse of buying all my food from them, so I can just have a look at the chooks on a regular basis.


My Bluebelle from them is lovely, pretty, friendly, good layer and follows me everywhere around the garden.


I hope you get sorted tomorrow.



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I did the poultry keeping course at Domestic Fowl Trust a couple of weeks ago. I think it was money well spent as I was quite nervous about getting my hens. They finally arrived on Wednesday 23th April and I felt really confident about looking after them. The lady who owns the Fowl Trust is very helpful and knowledgeable.

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We did try to get some ex batts and there's a local rescue happening tomorrow but they and the may ones hae all been reserved, so I was thinking of getting the 6 tomorrow and then 4 ex bats in June.


Out of interest does anyone know what happens if they have hens left on from rescues? do the rescuers keep them? didn't know if it was worth getting 5 tomorrow from a place and maybe calling the local ex batt man and seeing what the chances of getting some on Sunday were. but probably the waiting list is massive!



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