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grass cuttings

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I was also told at a talk at the local poultry centre that there is the danger of it heating up in the digestive system like a pile of mowings does when left for a short time.




But wouldn't there be a chance of that happening if they just pigged out on fresh grass? :?

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We used to keep horses when i was a child, and I do remember that you weren't supposed to feed them grass cuttings as when they are all macerated up like that it can give them colic.


Obviously, chickens aren't horses!!! But I am sure it wouldn't do them a lot of good if just festered in their crops?

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But wouldn't there be a chance of that happening if they just pigged out on fresh grass?


When they peck it up they take pieces the right size to digest, I guess. Plus the action of having to peck and swallow each bit means it is taken in more slowly than gulping down beakfuls of cut grass. I'm making this up, but it sounds reasonable!



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The blades themselves have to have oil on to make them work.

That was also the reason I was told that horses can't have mower cut grass - oil = colic.


Petrol mowers may also leave traces of petrol on the clippings.Not worth the risk IMHO

I agree Cinnamon.....for impacted crop risks as well as oil/petrol reasons.
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