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Guest Penguinmad

Dog Attack!

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I havn't mentioned here but we have been having a run extention built. Where it was going the fence behind had some loose panels and Mum was worried about next doors dogs getting through. When she looked again they seemed tight - so she thought they had been fixed.


This afternoon when I was getting changed I heard a lot of clucking and looked out to see the girls were all at the front of the run by the door, I thought they had seen Mum coming to let them out. 5 mins later James came running in shouting they had been attacked and their were feathers everywhere. As I looked out I saw one run past my study and hide underneath the steps of the hot tub.


Next doors Jack Russell had got through the fence and into their run - it had caught Poppet - one of the ex batts and there are a lot of feathers. I sat with her on my lap for quite a while cuddling her and stroking out the rest of the loose feathers - she took her favourite "wet bread" no problem. When she got down she spent the rest of the afternoon huddling under a bush whilst the others all clucked round her (except broody bunny who hadn't moved from the nest!).


I put her back into the run at about 7pm, straight into the Eglu, a while later she was out in the run with the others.


I've stapled extra wire all along the fence and when the builder comes Monday to finish the run I'll get him to add more. Our neighbor also nailed the boards back in from her side - she was very apologetic too.


Fingers crossed that poor Poppet survives the night - she seems OK but you never know about shock do you. I'm running a hen party in the morning too!

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She seems OK this morning - is free ranging with the others. She was the best feathered of my batteries but is now looking a little tattier.


Just read this topic Penguinmad. What a horrible experience for you all. So glad she survived and seems to be recovering. As if they hadn't suffered enough.


Good thing there were people around.

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