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Brian P


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I got mine from B&Q too but have since converted to Auboise, much nicer to use, smells good, disintigrates the poop and cheaper. £7 a bale which I only used half. Also found that when they kicked the woodchip round it got into the eglu door and was sometimes difficult to close & lock.

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Luckily for us we life opposite woodland, so I just collect fallen wood/branches and keep it under cover for it to dry out (if necessary) then put the whole lot through the chipper machine (all DIY's sell them).


We originally brought it to make garden mulch, but the chickens have far more need! when the apple trees were pruned last season it was brilliant.


I do get funny looks though walking down the road with the odd branch stuck under my arm if I happen to see any en route......


I do this because for some weird reason I can't get any woodchips from the local garden centre - only bark and it really does mulch down too much.

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Where I live (West Cumbria) the people responsible for looking after the road verges often cut down trees or branches & then put them through a wood chipper just by the side of the road. They then just leave these mounds to rot down as mulch.

So I've been bagging loads & bringing it home. I must have had about 30 bags full, & all free of course :-)



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