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Unhappy Chook :(

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I'm worried about Penny...


She has been laying soft shelled eggs and so has a messy bottom

Today, she has been very weak and unable to balance properly

She seems fairly uninterested in food

Her eyes are partly closed, like she's dosing off

We didn't even get a soft shelled egg from her today...


If anyone could give some advice, I'd be very grateful. I would have thought the sluggish behaviour was due to her being broody, but she is not sitting in the nest box.


EDIT: Forgot to say; she was picking up bits of grass this morning in the run and throwing them over her shoulder.

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sorry to hear she is feeling under the weather.


Soft shelled eggs certainly take it out of the chooks. Whenever mine lay them my hens arent right until the following morning, they are usually hunched, quiet, and almost in a trance (not interested in food).


I would maybe clean up her bottom, a freshen up would certainly make her feel a little better. :)


Do your girls have access to grit? some people use limestone flour to help with strengthening egg shells.


Soft shelled eggs are quite common, some forum members have had hens that had spells of laying several at a time over the space of a week. It seems like a phase as the hens are all ok afterwards.


the throwing the grass over the shoulder is an egg laying quirk...my maran does it every time she is about to lay.


Im sure she will be fine. :)

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Thanks for the advice guys!


I washed her bottom, must have been a funny sight for the neighbours, and now she is looking great. A lot chirpier too!


She is still laying soft eggs shells though... the crushed oyster shell isn't working and I'm giving them loads. I'll try limestone flour when I have time to buy some.


Thanks again :D

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