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No chemicals but house needs a smell

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Right I am loving the non chemical house but it needs a smell, other than last nights dinner. I am growing lots of lavender to make bags and sprays but any ideas to make the house smell nice now and not of garlic and cooking!


Am going to order an oil burner to help.



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The burners are lovely Buffie but you can make an effective air freshener from bicarbonate of soda. Mix say half a teaspoon of your favourite essential oil into a tub of bicarb and either put it in a bowl or a pretty box and it will freshen the air in the room. It might not look as pretty as a bowl of pot pourri but it does work. I've even got a bowl of bicarb in the cloakroom with a layer of pot pourri on the top so it doesn't look like a bowl of powder!

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I like the idea of the pot pourri on top of the bicarbonate of soda, and am busy thinking "why didn't I think of that" even as I type :roll:

We have a motley assortment of shoes in our porch, stored in a recycled works pigeon hole thing, which keeps them very hany and tidy. Sadly though the assortment of trainers can get a bit smelly (teenage boys feet :shock: ), and there's no lid on this thing to keep them shut away. So, conscious of smells at the entry point of the house I installed a pretty ceramic dish filled with bicard & lavender oil..... and it does the trick :wink:

Getting very tired now of the wits who come to visit, and comment on the welcoming effect of a dish of white powder at the front door :shock:

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of course, sodium bicarbonate is a chemical.. :wink:




Tell you what Phil, I'd rather use a chemical like sodium bicarbonate, which I can also put in a cake and eat, to clean my bath and toilets than something which I have to put on rubber gloves to use and something which carries a big orange and black warning sticker on the bottle :wink: .

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We have a shoe problem too Kate. Drives you mad, doesn't it. Ours are in an enormous wicker basket in the dining room and the mud that comes out when you move it is horrendous!! Boys!! It's coats which get me maddest though as they'd rather hang them on the door handles than on the hooks on the back of the door - aaaargh :twisted: !


Glad you found the bicarb in a pot worked. Good stuff, isn't it and so much cheaper than those awful air freshener sprays which just line the inside of your nose with the artificial fragrance so you think the pong has gone when it hasn't really!!

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It's coats which get me maddest though as they'd rather hang them on the door handles than on the hooks on the back of the door - aaaargh :twisted: !


Door handles! Sounds positively house-trained to me. Whenever the children come in from school I can tell exactly where they've been by the trail of debris. School bag at the front door, shoes, singly in the hall, coat draped next to the fridge,(possibly on the towel rail there, or on a nearby chair... even on the floor, school sweatshirt on the computer chair... and the list goes on :twisted: I blow my top regularly, daily in fact, but no-one ever listens :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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How about baking bread?


Or vases of freesia?


coffee pot on the go with vanilla coffee in it? (YUM)


Probably not what you're after.


Try Justrich products - loads of essential oils that are pure, can be sprinkled on pot pourri, burned in oil burners etc. Just ('' accent on the u) do lovely things. If you want to pm me I'll give your details to a friend who sells it and she can send you a brochure.

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