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Omlet netting

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We use fruit cage netting and bamboo poles! Cheap and effective and nearly invisible as the netting is black and fine :wink: .


LSH made me some netting panels last year which worked even better. They are large square wooden frames with netting stapled to them and he fixed pairs of panels together with hinges so I've got 3 sets of hinged panels which I can fold out and tie together to make a good sized pen for them on the lawn. They can be folded up and left leaning against the side of the house when not in use which is nice.

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LSH made me some netting panels last year which worked even better. They are large square wooden frames with netting stapled to them and he fixed pairs of panels together with hinges so I've got 3 sets of hinged panels which I can fold out and tie together to make a good sized pen for them on the lawn. They can be folded up and left leaning against the side of the house when not in use which is nice.
What a brilliant Idea Kate :!:
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One of mine has escaped next door every day for the last five days! I can't see where she's getting out though - and the other one doesn't follow..


fortunately the neighbours don't mind, and Spot is easy to catch...



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Fleur is the white japanese bantam, and she is very flighty. I have been resisting trimming one of her wings as it would spoil her shape - she has those low wings that point down towards the ground. But it would be better than no chicken! my guess is that oneof the neighbourhood cats has spooked her :roll:

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