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BIG CHICKEN 2006 - Daily Update

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Day 30 has seen rumblings in the Big Chicken Eglu, after Maran Mikey stole Nikkis peach schnapps last night. Poor Nikki was wanting a secret tipple in the peace of the Eglu, but Moronic Mikey, in a derperate bid to keep the Ghastly Grace in, just couldn't let the melodramatic Buttercup have her drinkie.


So when the Househens started to rise on eviction day, the atmosphere at the Glug and Grubs has been tense.


Both Grace and Nikki were convinced it was their turn to go to the pie factory, and have spent the day beautifying themselves. Nikki spent the entire morning hogging the biggest dustbath at the base of the run, while Grace got Mikey to peck all the redmites from her comb and vent.


Elsewhere, Golden Househen, Suzie, got one up on the rest of the Househens when she hid the last of the shredded visa bills for the nestbox. With the Eglu on a budget shopping list this week, and shredded bills reaching an all time low, the Bluebelle secreted the last of the bags of bills under her roosting bars, in a bid to keep her bottom comfy when she goes to lay.


So the Eglu spend a quiet day, with the Househens clucking in anticipation of the eviction ahead. And they were far from disappointed. It was no real surprise to hear Davina McCaw announce that the Sussex Star, Grace had been voted from the Eglu, after last weeks audible chants of 'Get Grace Out', and the ghastly househen took it in her stride. However, there was a shock in store for the Househens when it came time for the Sussex Star to leave. Still unable to comprehend in her chicken brain, how Suzie could possibly dislike her, Grace emptied the entire contents of the glug over Suzies head, leaving the Bluebelle looking like a drowned rat, and Aisleyne furious. A furious sqaurking arguement between the 2 ensued, while Big Chicken toyed with the idea of just leaving Grace in, to see the feathers fly, but eventually the run door was opened and the ghastly Househen was rushed to the pie factory (if you're chicken pies has a 'bitter' tinge to them this week, you'll know why).


Which left the aftermath in the Eglu. Japanese Bantam, Lisa immediately clucked her pleasure at the events and commented that Suzie would have ended up wearing the glug, as well as the contents, while Imogen kept quiet about her involvement in the furore. Could it be that the Fresian had clucked some encouraging comments to Grace in the minutes before her eviction?


Noticably abscent from the squarking was Mikey, who took himself to the roosting bars, and had a quiet blub to himself. Now that his snuggle-chum has left, could it be the beginning of the end for the Maran?

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I can't believe you've kept this thread going Shona!!

You're bonkers!


I'll have to try and catch up with it. Haven't been watching much of the real thing really - the odd snippet here and there inbetween nappy changes and feeding frenzies!


I'm loving young Pete though, and Nicki is just unreal!

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Day 31 started with a notable vacancy in the Big Chicken Eglu - that of 'Hot Chicken Couple', after the demise of Ghastly Grace. Buttercup Nikki and White Star Pete have become increasingly close over the last couple of weeks and today saw the unlikely pair snuggle even closer on the roosting bars, with the White Star admitting that his nights were being interrupted by dreams of the Buttercup. The pair were united in disgust at ghastly Graces' behaviour last night, on her way to the pie factory, when the Sussex Star drenched Golden Househen Suzie with the water fro the Glug, with Nikki still more than a little relieved that it was Graces' and not her time to retire to the filling line....


Elsewhere, feathers are still ruffled after last nights 'Glug-gate', with Aiselyne and Lisa still at loggerheads. After the Japanese Bantam stuck up for Grace after her eviction, it is becoming more and more likely that Lisa will be up for eviction this week.


Aware of the pecking that was taking over the Eglu, Big Chicken set the Househens a daily task, and instructed each of the Househens to eat a smelly dinner. It was then up to the rest of the Househens to work out what had been consummed. TheHousehens did well, guessing correctly that Nikkie had had a dinner of leeks and onion skins, and that Imogen had cheated by skimming off the garlic powder from todays pellets. There was a bit of a stutter when Golden Househen Suzie was given mince and tatties, and Aisleyne wolfed down a plate of the finest Gouda, but Glyn soon got the Househens back ontrack when he breathed delicious tuna and haddock breath. Big Chicken was quick to let the Househens know that they had passed the test, and would be treated to a night of cherry brandy and cauliflower leaves.


Of course, the cherry brandy brought out the extovert in the retiring Househens, and who would have thought that Lisa and Glyn would pair off? The mis-matched pair snuggled close in the run this evening, with even Imogen unable to break them up.....


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Of course, the cherry brandy brought out the extovert in the retiring Househens, and who would have thought that Lisa and Glyn would pair off? The mis-matched pair snuggled close in the run this evening, with even Imogen unable to break them up.....


OMG :!::roll::roll:

Its amazing what being in that pressure cooker does to people!

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The Eglu has been noticably quieter, with the demise of Sussex Star Grace still weighing hard on Mikey. The Maran took himself off quietly to clean the run mirrors, and spent the morning avoiding the rest of the sympathetic Househens. Aiselyne tried her best to cluck some sweet nothings in his ear, but it's just too soon for Mikey.


Big Chicken decided to wake up the subdued Househens, and offered them a chance to win a Barbeque - Clucking and crowing sounds were played into the house, and all the househens had to do was identify the breed of chicken that makes the noise. Of course, the Househens passed with flying colours, and Big Chicken delivered the barbeque of marinated slugs, snails and mealworms, plus a bottle of creme de menthe, and the Househens were soon clucking up a storm.


Over the creme de menthe, Orpington Richard and Bluebelle Suzie, shared their horror at having to share roosting bars with Lisa and Glyn. Both the Jaoanese Bantam and the Gingernut Ranger, are night time cluckers, and Richard isn't appreciating the roosting disturbance.


Maran Mikey soon got into the swing of things, and after a glass of the green stuff and a plateful of BBQ'd mealworms, his attentions turned to lovin' and Fresian Imogen was the chook he had in mind. They snuggled close in the run, and with both Sezer and Grace making up the pie fillings now, could this be the start of (yet another) beautiful relationship?

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Sorry chaps - I've been a bit off-colour the last couple of weeks, and let it slip - didn't think anyone would notice!


Will do a big update later, then should get semi-normal service back!





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OK, here goes......




After the success of the barbeque, Big Brother shook things up in the Eglu when nomination time came around again. Five of the Househens had been heard by the all-seeing, all-hearing Big Chicken discussing nominations, and in a shock twist, the offenders were made to stand up on top of the run, infront of the other Househens and nominate one of the other offenders for eviction, with the Househen with the most nominations definately being put to the public vote. They each took their turn, and by the end of the five nominations Buttercup Nikki once again found herself in the eviction running. The rest of the honest Househens then did their nominations in the privacy of the diary room as usual, and the next day Big Chicken announced that joining Nikki for the public vote would be Lisa, Imogen and Mikey. Nikki became convinced that her time was up, and took to running up and down the run squarking , while the other 3 took the news in their stride.


The inhabitants of the Eglu were agog with the prospect of yet another simmering romance, when Buttercup Nikki began to follow White Star Pete around the run, picking the odd redmite from his vent, and nudging the best mealworms his way at dinnertime. Aiselyne and Lea were insensed by this turn of events, and took to pecking Nikki's tail when she passed by.


Friday came, and the public voted, and it was up to Davina McCaw to keep the dirty-beaked Japanese Bantam under control when Lisa was evicted from the Eglu, and took the van to the Pie Factory. Poor Glyn couldn't understand why the public had voted to eat the chain smoking Bantam, who knew more naughty words than the Omlet swear filter, and took to his roosting bars early, mournfully tucking his head under his wing, reminising about the games of spin the bottle the two had enjoyed.


In an attempt to lighten the mood on Saturday morning Big Chicken set the Househens a cleaning task. They were divided into 3 groups, and were given a deep dustbath full of concreted soil, with a special token at the bottom of each. The Househens task was to dustbathe themselves to the bottom and retrieve the token, to win themselves a luxury spa treatment, complete with Glayva and juicy woodlice. The Househens threw themselves into the task, with Glyn, Imogen and Suzie the eventual winners. Big Chicken locked them in the eglu, complete with treats and bubblebaths, and the 3 busied themselves with the Glayva. Sadly, the youngest Househen, Glyn, partook in slightly too much of the Glayva, then raided the fridge for the leftover Cherry Brandy that had been hidden from the shopping. Before long the Gingernut Ranger was losing the ability to walk, and was helped to the roosting bars by new bud Mikey. Before long, the Eglu was redocorated in glorious technicolor, as Glyn showed the group exactly what he had been eating, and when they eventually fell asleep, Nikki insisted on the Eglu door being left open, to air the nasty wiff of Glayva mixed with mash.


Aware that the Househens were running short on food, the benevolent Big Chicken then threw the Househens a pub quiz the following night, with Ranger Glyn as compere. After correctly answering such complex questions like 'Which member of Bananarama was a secret Orange lover?', and 'In what year was the worlds oldest chicken, Matilda born?', 'Team Busty', Lea and Suzie flapped up to claim their prize, a plateful of week-old chocolate cake, kindly leaving the crumbs for their fellow Househens.


And so to Monday - nominations day. Little do the Househens know that the 2 facing this weeks public vote, Aisylene and Suzie, are not fighting for survival - there is no trip to the pie factory this week (it's shut for the staff to watch Wimbledon), but instead the public will be voting to keep their favourite of the two in a NEW Big Chicken Eglu, along with 5 new Househens. Yes, on Friday, 5 new Househens will be entering a new eglu built at the back of the existing Eglu and run, and will be helped along by either Aiselyne or Suzie.


This weeks shopping task was failed and won, when Big Chicken gave the Househens a plastic hollow goat full of runny brie, and challenged them to keep the runny brie from running out the holes that had been drilled in the goat. In a cunning twist, Fresian Imogen was then told that only by failing the task, would the Househens pass the task, so it was her job to ensure failure. She immediatly took charge of the lowest hole, and used her clipped wing to cover it, ensuring that the brie drippled out slowly. After she was caught doing that, she sent the rest of her fellow Househens through to the glub to 'take a weight off', then proceeded to gulp down as much of the runny brie as possible. Even two-faced Imogen couldn't disguise her bloated crop when the others came back to let her off, and the Eglu was buzzing with her sabotage attempts. Soon thwe goat was empty, and Big Chicken called an end to the task. There then followed a tense few hours as the Househens argued over who was to blame for the failure, with the Fresian hiding in the nestbox, pretending to lay, until Big Chicken announced the task had been failed and therefore passed by the group.


Despite the task pass, busty Frizzle Lea continued to cluck and groan, and argue with Aiselyne about who loves Pete the most. Poor Pete has been forced to almost move into the diary room, in an attempt to escape the amorous advances of the 2, and here at Big Chicken, we are beginning to wonder if there is ANY hens out there who don't have a soft spot for the White Star?


Big Chicken then decided that the Househens weren't being honest with each other about their feelings, so put a suggestion box in the run, and asked each of the househens to fill out a slip for each of their collegues. Could anyone be brave enough to suggest that Buttercup Nikki eats with her beak shut? Perhaps someone may tell Suzie to take a drink, and lighten up. Maybe Richard will be told to wrap an elastic band around his beak for a change.


Big Chicken will announce the results tomorrow....


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Thank you Big Chicken! I love all your little insights! I watch most of the evening programmes, but you always shed some extra light onto things!


I'm finding Lea a real pain at the moment - she's always angsting about something. Anyone would think she was up for eviction! She just can't stop that pattern of getting over intense with people and then shoving them away from her...


And who will get sent to the eglu-annexe tonight? It would be interesting to see how the dynamics would develop if there was a mature broody in there - assuming all the newbies are typical pullets. On the other hand Aiselyne's definately more entertaining than Suzie.

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With the heat rising around the Big Chicken Eglu, the Househens were greeted by a swarm of flies when the Eglu door was opened this morning. The shock of meeting their breakfast face to face sent the Househens into a frenzy of clucking, and jumping while they tried to catch the invading flies, and soon the run was clear, and the Househens could settle down to some serious dustbathing in the sun.


Big Chicken soon shattered the peace with the results of the suggestion box task. Aisleyne was the first up, and was told she was to stop flashing her vent at the boys, so was given a pair of pink frilly granny pants to wear. Imogen was told that she preens her feather to often, so was provided with a timer to stop her preening for more than 2 minutes a day. Maran Mikey was told to let the other cluck when in conversation, so has been provided with a rubber band to tie round his beak, while Buttercup Nikki was provided with a feather duvet, to stop her squarking about the cold. It was noted that Ricjard is spending far to much time *ahem* adjusting himself, so the Orpington has been provided with a straightjacket, to keep himself from 'touching'. Lea was told to smile more, so her fellow Househens have been given tickle sticks, and have been given permission to chase the Frizzle round the run, till she giggles like a toddler. Mucky White Star Pete has been given his own personal dustbath for the next few days in an attempt to improve his whiffy armpits, and controversially, Snotty Bluebelle Suzie has been told to 'live a little'. She's been told she must break at least one rule in the next 24 hours, and must join Glyn in a game of Spin the Bottle.



To soften the Househens bad moods, following the Suggestion Box revelations, Big Chicken graciously gave the Househens a kareoke machine for the evening, and provided party food of sweetcorn and tomatoes, with delicious scrumpy to drink, The Househens were soon squarking the night away. After a few gulps of potent Scrumpy, White Star Pete finally plucked up the courage to confront Busty Lea, about her behaviour since he spurned her advances in the nesting box. Lea feigned innocence and Pete was once again lulled into a false sense of security. Sadly for Pete, making up with Lea, and inviting her to share his roosting bars wopuld have been a far better outcome than the eventual nocturnal occurences that came about after Nikki slurped one to many glasses of the scrumpy, and cornered poor Pete in the Eglu, clucking sweet nothings in the White Stars ears. A quick peck to the comb gave Pete enough time to escape to the run, leaving Nikki to regroup her thoughts in the Eglu.

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