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BIG CHICKEN 2006 - Daily Update

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Well she didn't exactly try to endear herself to anyone did she? I guess she'd probably say she was just being herself and not putting an act on for the cameras, which is fair enough. Its just a pity that every time I saw her she was pouty and sulking - rather boring really.

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After Bonnaaaaaay took the dreaded trip to the pie factory last night, the Househens have been in a flutter today, expecting new Househens to be brought in, to replace Dumpy, Shahbaz, and Bovans Nera, Dawn who both made early exits this week.


This weeks task has been announced by Big Chicken, with the Eglu being turned into one big giant gameshow, with the Househens as contestants. The food budget has been split into sections, with different games to be played over the next few days, for the Househens to build up there budget. Sections include Layer Pellets, Mash, mealworms, fresh vegetables, snails, oyster shell and the all-important shredded visa bills for the nesting box.


The first section to be played for, and won, today was the snails section, with the Househens watching videaos of school chicks describing the Househens, with Sezer and George doing most of the guess work.


Later, Fresian Imogen, sadly lost the Househens their weekly supplies of shredded bills, after failing to answer the question 'who was the 9th Househen to enter the Eglu?' The Fresian panicked and failed to answer within the alloted 30 seconds, so the Househens face a week of pooey eggs, and a cold bottom, unless Big Chicken can be persuaded to hand over some Visa bills.....

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The day had an uneasy start after last nights shananigans in the nest box. Japanese Bantam, Lisa, became enraged with jealousy when she discovered White Star, Pete, and Busty Frizzle, Lea snuggled up together in the nest box. Pete clearly loves a meaty chest, must to Lisas disgust, and when she discovered the two Househens on the roosting bars together, feathers flew.


After trying to ignore her advances this morning, Pete realised that a heart-to-heart was required, and approached her this morning to clear the air. While she has promised to keep her beak away from Lea, the three have made for uneasy Househens today.


In the next two rounds of Meal or no Meal, Mikey correctly matched fellow Househens to their chick pictures, winning the Eglu their supplies of oyster shell, while Richard and Grace lost the Eglu their selection of fresh vegetables, after failing to answer general questions about their fellow Househens. Who could possibly have realised that the footballer that Nikki hankers after, is in fact Gary Linekar, or that George wants to be reincarnated as a little pink shrimp..........

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It was poor Glyns turn to get picked on today, as the Househens were unimpressed with the Gingernut Rangers washing up skills. 'Who washed these peanuts and Glubs?' complained Gold Legbar, Sezer. The rest of the Househens agreed that young Glyns cleaning wasn't up to scratch, so the Ranger has been demoted to poo tray cleaning for the rest of his stay.


In the latest round of Meal or no Meal, Buttercup Nikki, managed to win the Househens their full quota of pellets and mash after answering a round of 'pub quiz' questions. The Househens were more than impressed with Nikkis general knowledge when she correctly answered that a chicken can sneeze and, well poo at the same time.


The Househens are celebrating now, but little do they suspect that the next round of Meal or no Meal could bring them the prize of 2 new Househens.

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...............BREAKING NEWS..............

We can now confirm that the new breeds that the Househens will be playing for tonight are a Blue Faverolle and a Brown Leghorn.

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This is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT Shona! As I am sure many of you know, I don't have a TV, so all this is completely lost on me....however, I had a very sad friend round today who is addicted to BB. She is convinced I have been watching it! :lol::lol::lol:

I DID see 10 minutes last night when we popped down to a neighbour's to put their cats in...its awful!

This is so much better!


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I always have watched the BB but this year - I'd much rather spend hours of the day watching my girls in the garden


I have only seen about 1 min worth of BB this year - just as it was on as I have been channel hopping!


BIG CHICKEN however, well it's something else


Shona you are fab!

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After a round of 4 questions in Meal or no Meal, White Star, Pete, has managed to win the Househens the all important shredded bills, new Househens, Aisleyne and Sam......

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