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Guest chookiehen

BIG CHICKEN 2006 - Daily Update

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The atmosphere in the Big Chicken Eglu has taken a turn for the worse today, when the Househens discovered that Dumpy Shahbaz had been hiding food beneath his roosting bars....


The Househens became suspicious when the peanuts were nearly empty this morning, despite Big Chicken delivering the shopping yesterday. After a search, the pellets were found, hidden in the roosting area and Shahbaz, became prime suspect.


Elsewhere, grumpy Bovans Nera, Dawn continued to wind the other Househens up, by refusing to have a dust bath, with the nasty niff becoming overpowering, despite the others opening the eggport to air the Eglu...

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Dumpy Shahbaz had been hiding food beneath his roosting bars....


The Househens became suspicious when the peanuts were nearly empty this morning, despite Big Chicken delivering the shopping yesterday. After a search, the pellets were found, hidden in the roosting area and Shahbaz, became prime suspect.


Is this why Richard was leading a protest against Shibaz? I only saw the BB commentary thingy late last night, rather than the real thing, and wondered what he'd done to finally tip the balance into a group protest.


The commentary programme with the psychologists was good, actually. Is it on every night now or just once a week? It seems to be in our paper for each night, but after the show they said they'd be back next week... :?

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.......Day 6 in The Big Chicken Eglu.......



Poor Mikey has spent the day gutted after Gold Legbar, Sezer made his move on the popular Fresian, Imogen late last night in the Eglu, resulting in a heavy mutual preening session between the two Househens.


Desperate not to lose out in the romance stakes in the Eglu, Maran Mikey has spent the day closely following Sussex Star, Grace, in the hope of a quick peck while no-one is looking.


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..............BREAKING NEWS..................


...Shahbaz has walked out of Big Chicken 2006....

...................More details as we get them......................

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...Shahbaz has walked out of Big Chicken 2006....


Thank goodness for that! That chicken was definitely beginning to get on my vent!


This is absolutely brilliant - keep it coming! Makes me laugh out loud every time I read it!

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...Shahbaz has walked out of Big Chicken 2006....


Thank goodness for that! That chicken was definitely beginning to get on my vent!


This is absolutely brilliant - keep it coming! Makes me laugh out loud every time I read it!


Weee, heeee, heeeeee :lol:

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Yes it's true, Scots Dumpy Shahbaz has flown the coup after 6 short (unless you were stuck in the Eglu with him, then it felt like very looooooooong) days. Unable to find forgiveness from his fellow Househens for hiding the mealworms, Shahbaz took flight to the pie factory......


This morning has seen the Househens settle into a more peaceful Eglu, with some goodnatured bickering over the peanuts and some slug sharing in the run.


However, the girls are continuing to cluck behind Dawns back, as the Bovans Nera STILL refuses the dustbath, and is flicking the garlic powder off her pellets, resulting in the smelliest Big Brother Eglu ever.

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Scandal has once again rocked the Big Chicken Eglu, with Bovans Nera, Dawn being thrown out after communicating with the Outside run. Before entering the Eglu, Dawn had come up with a fiendish plan to let her know how she was being reported in the press. Her friends arranged for Big Chicken to give her the message 'Your sister has laid', thus ensuring Dawn knew we all hated her on the Outside. At 12:25, Big Chicken showed Dawn the door, and whisked her off to the Pie Factory. Nikky immediately opened the eggport in an attempt to clear the niff, and tonight, without Shahbaz and Dawn, the Big Chicken Eglu is a much quieter, and more fragrant place tonight.


The remaining Househens are also still trying to come to terms with the fact that the only remaining Househens NOT in the Big Chickenhood, Bonnaaaay and Glyn, are up for eviction this week.

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Big Chicken has graciously given the Househens a luxury shopping budget this week, to thank the remaining Househens for not leaving.....


The Househens now have £500 to spend as they want, as long as no more than 10% of the total is spent on sweetcorn. The Househens are gutted by this, having envisioned a week of pigging out on nothing but corn, and have carefully made up a shopping list of mealworms, slugs and vegetable peelings.


The atmosphere is tense, as the first proper eviction looms closer, with both Bonnaaaay and Glyn up for the ride to the pie factory.


Rumours are rife that Big Chicken is planning to put 2 new Househens into the Eglu tonight, replacing Scots Dumpy, Shahbaz, and Bovans Nera, Dawn.


How will this affect the pecking order? Will it be Bonnaaaaay or Glyn to be the first evicted? Will they EVER get rid of the niff from Dawns pits?

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.............EVICTION UPDATE.................


The first Househen to be evicted from the Big Chicken Eglu is Miss Pepperpot, Bonnaaaaaaaaaay.


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