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Martin B

..... and he said he didn't like them!

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After I came home from school today I rushed into the garden to check for eggs. I immediately noticed my Mum and Dad(the one who says the chickens are horrible) standing at the end of the eglu saying " Aren't they cute", not only were they looking at the chooks they had made a bark area for them! It was unbelievable, I didn't think my Dad would ever like the chickens, he definately pretends not to... he does though really! :lol:



P.s Carly laid a 52g egg!

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My husband is the same. Does not like them but spends a whole Sunday building them a new huge super duper run :?


Can you send him up here to finish mine then?!

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My husband is the same. Does not like them but spends a whole Sunday building them a new huge super duper run :?


Do you think you could get him to have a word with my hubbie?? sounds like you have him very well trained :lol::lol:


Alternatively, can you just send him round? might be a quicker option than waiting for mine to do it :lol::roll:

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He does like building things from scratch, so I am very lucky. He built our eldest a boat that converted into a car out of a cardboard box when she was younger :?


I think he may have missed his vocation in life (building super duper chicken runs!) As I have mentioned before he will works for tea and grub!


You will have to fight it out between yourselves who he will visit and build first :lol:

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Logic dictates the following order Chookiehen (furthest north) the me then wiggle or Martin depending on proximity to home Paola :lol:




Can he start tomorrow - I have the wood - just no vision or skill.....



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Oops, slapped wrists everybody! :?


I know what you mean with this topic Martin. Lizzy and Cathy's Dad was very set against having chickens and resisted for a very long time. Now he has them eating out of his hand and sitting on his knee. He's spoiling them rotten!!!:roll:

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