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The new lakeland catalogue arrived today & as usual I went online to order a few essentials& have ended up also ordering "things that sound great" too.


This is what I have also added to my order .....

"Sewing machine in a Bottle" - how could I resist that?

"Packet mix tidy" - never again will my bread sauce mixes be scattered around!

"Carrier bag Holder" - ditto carrier bags


I am very pround that I managed to resist the following.....

"Spider Catcher" - I was sorely tempted by this one,but I am training the new kitten in spider disposal.

"Plink waste disposal freshners" - I don't have a waste disposal,but they look great!

"Reach'n'Grab" - to get things from high shleves.Thats what The Hubby is for

"Sticki-Mitts" - removes fluff from your clothes.I like fluff :D

"Instant Florist" - To get your bunches of flowers looking nice.Someone needs to buy them for me first :?


I think I did pretty well really :P

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Oh, I always see hundreds of thing in the Lakeland catalogue that I can't possibly live without! :D I'm not quite sure how I've actually made it this far! :?:wink: Has anyone tried the Remoska cooker thing? I have felt tempted by that at times.

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My mum has a Remoska - she swears by it - she uses it at home, in the caravan - every day, everywhere!


I'm sure there was a thread about this a couple of months ago - I'll go find it for you!

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Now look you lot, I haven't even heard of one of these things. As soon as that Lakeland catalogue hits my floor I pick it up and with great restraint, throw it straight into the recycling. I keep meaning to try to cancel it, but you know.....

Now though, I am going to HAVE to go to the website to see what one of these "can't live without" devices is......... :lol::lol:

You are all a very bad influence! :wink:

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