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Mine prefer cooked cabbage but then as raw cabbage its one of my cravings at the mo (25 weeks preg!) they'd have to fight me for it!!!!

Havent tried celery.... will have to though

Mine also LOVE bananas!! As i have 4 girls its easy to split one into 4 and give them a piece each, very funny to watch them eat it the quickest and then chase the others about!!! :P


H x

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Mine prefer cooked cabbage but then as raw cabbage its one of my cravings at the mo (25 weeks preg!) they'd have to fight me for it!!!!

Havent tried celery.... will have to though

Mine also LOVE bananas!! As i have 4 girls its easy to split one into 4 and give them a piece each, very funny to watch them eat it the quickest and then chase the others about!!! :P


H x


Oh, well that's a good craving :) Mine was pints and pints of milk with my first. Haven't tried mine with bananas so will have to.

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2 of mine eat celery and 2 won't touch it.


Love cabbage leaves, iceberg lettuce, brocolli stalks (I'm too mean to give them the heads), brussel sprouts.....all raw. But mine do like things cooked too. Hubbie grows carrots and they love the carrot and beetroot tops tied up high in their run.


Also at the weekend I got a bargain. We went to a pick-your-own farm and got a cauliflour. Now only 1 of mine will eat the actual raw cauli but they all love the huge leaves. So where other people had all cut off the leaves thrown them on the ground I came away with armfuls and the girls love them.

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Mine love the hard white cabbage. But they adore iceburg lettuce from the coldest part of the fridge. They would rather have this than corn! But grapes, well, they are chicken chocolate. It's soo funny. I spend 15 minutes cutting up the large grapes into bite size pieces and it takes under 2 minutes for them to disappear. Then, they spend the next five minutes looking at the empty dish and making sad noises if they were saying

'it's all gone...all gone'!

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Mine eat most things, with a few exceptions...


They love cabbag (raw or cooked) and they love broccolli stalks (we don't give them heads either :lol: ) but we have to cut them up so they get the fleshy bit in the middle...


They absolutely love cheese rinds :shock::? and go mad after melons (after we have eaten most of it though!!)


We often put out the plates with leftover veg on from sunday lunch or any other meal, plus all the bad bits from the lettuce! We only really give them stuff we don't want to eat though, not any special stuff :D:wink:



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