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Tessa the Duchess

I am very excited!

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Some of you may remember my disappointment at not managing to see Leonard Cohen at the O2 Arena a few weeks ago, and then he threw a hissy fit at Glastonbury and refused to be filmed, so I didn't get to see him on the telly. Well, he added another date to his world tour, at the O2 arena, and today I managed to book two, reasonably priced :shock::shock:, tickets to go to the show on the 13th November :D:D Now I just have to find someone to go with, most of my friends think he is a miserable old git, and DH said he would rather chew off his own arm than spend an evening in the company of Mr. Doom and Gloom :roll: Can't quite believe I am going to see him live after all these years.



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Am glad that you have managed to get tickets Tessa. Third time lucky.


I remember living next to a girl who played LC all day and all night so I have heard enough "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye" to last a lifetime.


I can still remember most of the words through hearing them through the wall. :D

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Ooh yes, would love to!


I'm in the cheap seats :wink: ... not that I think £50 is cheap, but that was the lowest price. Apparently the only tickets available now are £80.


I thought I was in the cheap seats £85 :shock::shock: I obviously used the wrong ticket site :evil: When I phoned the O2 Ticketmaster number the only seats they had left were the 'hospitality' package, £245 per seat :shock::shock: I know poor old Leonard is trying to get his pension together after being ripped off by his business partner, but r e a l l y how much money does a Buddhist monk need? :evil::evil:



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