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Chicks hatching as we speak

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Went out to check on broody this morning and heard a very faint cheeping. So far a little cute yellow chick, one black and another has just come out. Can't believe how its all happened. Nature is a wonderful thing. Have had a look to see but am leaving it up to Mum now.


They have water and chick crumbs, do I need anything else.



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Unless you have a drinker specifically designed for chicks, put a few marbles in the water so that they don't drown, which they can do in a surprisingly small amount of water.


Have you got an Eglu? If so, remove the roosting bars as they won't be able to manage them, and put down something non slip to prevent injuries.


Also they will need a non-slip ramp to get in and out of the Eglu.

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Three very chirpy chicks indeed. Not sure of the breeds yet as the eggs were given to us. Having lots of fun taking photos, will sort some out soon.


Have used an old glass lemon squeezer for the water which is great as it has the big bit in middle and ridges all way round so hopefully no accidents.


Will report back in fourth egg hatches.

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Hi there, have been trying to get photos on here but am finding it very difficult.


Chicks have been out in run yesterday and today with Mum and are loving it. She's keeping the other chickens well away and they frantically cheep if she dares move anywhere else. Two days old and already changing. Two of them have hairy feet so not sure what breed. Could be minature bantums. Have been told by lady that gave us the eggs in the first place that if any of them are boys she will have them back which is fantastic.

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