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Book of real life chicken stories? UPDATE - OR NOT !

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I don't know if this has or is in the process of being considered but what if Omlet were to print some of these postings in a book for everyone out there in the kingdom chicken to read. I'm relatively new to the forum but have already been in conversation with some incredibly friendly, funny, caring and knowledgable members. Wouldn't it be a blast if some of these amazing stories were put in print? It would be a best seller - no doubt about it!


Everyone loves a real life book by real life people and on the subject of animals, it's guaranteed to be a blockbuster! The postings I've read have made me sad, made me laugh out loud, made me terribly anxious to find out what happened next e.g. Angels4 from the US!! Omlet could even run a competition to come up with the title of the book - I can hardly wait for the suggestions!


Now I could be rambling on here as it's more than likely been thought of before, and as is usual for me, I'm last to get there - if this is the case - delete my post missus moderator and I'll go back to reading as many of the posts as I can get round to - although I'm sure I miss loads!



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I don't know about printers, but there are certainly a handful of designers, illustrators... and I'm pretty sure we're not short of 'wordsmiths' either.


I can offer a few drawings/paintings and my services as a graphic designer.


This is a talented forum... we can get 'Crocs' manufacturers to sponsor us too :wink:

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you don't need to go via omlet, although I don't know what the copyright issues would be concerning reproducing people's postings, some people might not want their posts on here put into a book!?


Then again, if it's on a public forum does it then become part of the public domain and thus copyright free???


I know people who have self published at www.lulu.com then you also sell your publication via that site, promotion of the product is up to you.


I have self published my own small books of poetry just using my PC and printer at home http://www.liverpoolpoet.talktalk.net/poetryfound.html


but not on the scale you're talking about. Lulu would probably be the way to go but it does cost.


I did a quick calculation for you and for 1 copy of an A5 sized 'perfect bound' coloured paperback with 100 pages would be £10.80. There is a discount if you order 25 or more copies but I don't know how much the discount is.


You'd need an editor to pick the most commercial stories, someone to design the layout, someone to proofread it etc etc.


The good thing about lulu though is you can order as little as 1 book!


go here http://www.lulu.com/uk/products/paperback/ and you can get some quotes for yourself.


I was considering a book of chicken poetry but never seem to have the time! :lol:

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oh yeah, you'd need an eyecatching cover (know any good artists?) and a good title to grab people's attention. I was going to call my poetry book 'poultry in motion' or 'Fowl Language'.


So, think of a snappy title.


Also, think who your market would be, most people on here would have read the stories anyway so they're unlikely to want to pay to read them again?

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Sounds like a really nice idea! 8)8)


I think you would need to go through Omlet as it is their forum that the stories are posted on.


People could volunteer to have their stories published, that way we won't be violating any copyright laws etc etc


I'm sure Omlet would be interested, afterall it is advertising for them. :wink:


I would email Johannes@omlet.co.uk and see what he says :wink:

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Not sure I agree that people on the forum wouldn't want to read their comments again........I can see the book having lots of things they might not have seen and seeing your story, comments and chooks in print or in pics for sale to the general public is quite something, especially if the proceeds were going to good causes. Great for prezzies I would have thought.

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I think you would need to go through Omlet as it is their forum that the stories are posted on.


People could volunteer to have their stories published, that way we won't be violating any copyright laws etc etc



if omlet are interested then great but you don't need their permission. I'd say, out of courtesy, you just need to consult the people who have posted the stories you want to publish, omlet don't own what the public type onto their forum.

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p.s. i love the little profiles of chicken keepers in the omlet newsletter, you might want to have a look at the monthly newsletter to give you some ideas.


I like to find out a bit more about chicken keepers other than reading about their chickens. It's interesting to find out their profession, their interests outside of chicken keeping etc etc.

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....if the proceeds were going to good causes. .


It would be great to see any profits go to the BHWT. If you want any further help or advice, PM me and I'll see what I can do.


If you have a decent printer you could even publish your own 'chapbook'. Google about making a chapbook, there's tons of sites to get you started.

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