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Is my apple tree alright?

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We bought a little apple tree last year, a Braeburn. It was no more than a 5 feet tall stick last year but it had 20 odd apples on it, poor thing.


Well this year it had no blossom and at the moment the older leaves are brown around the edges. The new growth is alright. There isn't any sign of bugs on the leaves. Do you think the tree is fine or is it having a rest after last year?


Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.


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It's hard to tell without being able to see it but some of our trees have leaves with brown edges. We wondered if it was wind damage as we had quite a few gales in the spring when the new leaves were coming out.


And, although it was obviously nice to get apples in the first year, some people say you should take them all off, to let the tree establish itself. If there is no sign of disease the tree is likely to be having a rest and growing roots and so on this year. I would wait and see what happens next year.


A couple of old-fashioned varieties I bought took almost 10 years to start fruiting :roll: I think that's why newer varieties are popular!



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Quite a few fruit trees will give a good crop one years then hardly any or no fruit the next.


I would give it a good mulch being careful not to leave any in contact with the trunk with a sprinkle of general purpose fertiliser underneath, keep it well watered ( a bucket of water once a week in dry weather) and it should be fine next year.

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