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When my only chicken got broody a few weeks ago I decided to buy fertilised eggs from e-bay. She has been sitting on them for 21 days. Today is the big day. Yesterday one tried to hatch. The shell was broken, I could see it move and hear it beep. It seemed trapped, but I didn't want to interfere. My hen just sat on it. Today the beeping has stopped and I think the chick is dead. It's not moving anymore and it still looks the same as yesterday. Just one of the other eggs has a crack, the others are still intact. What should I have done? Should I have helped it along?

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Hi there Cathyc. I would say just leave it to her. Perhaps check in the morning and see if there have been any further developments. Our chicks hatched pretty much within minutes of each other nearly two weeks ago. We had one egg that was rotten and waited 24 hours before we threw it away.


Good luck. Its exciting and scary at the same time.

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Hi Cathy, I think the general advice is to leave them to hatch on their own, hard though it may be. If it can't hatch on it's own I think there will probably be a reason for it. I also believe that some breeds can hatch later than others, ours were day 20, some peoples hatch day 23 but I'm no expert - I'm sure someone will be along to give better advice.

Good luck with the others, I really hope you get a hatch


Mrs B

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What a shame, I've heard mixed reports from people who buy eggs from e bay, if she goes broody again see if you can source some locally they may have a better chance of success.

Sorry for your disappointment, just beware wherever you get chicks from if you decide to, you could end up with all boys unless you get autosexed breeds.


Mrs B

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My eggs from eBay didn't hatch either. I got my son to break them open and there was nothing at all growing inside them.


But my neighbours bought 3 batches of 6 eggs on eBay, and 14 out of 18 hatched.


It is annoying after all that waiting to have nothing. And I was very fed up that the old hens wouldn't accept the "mother" back in the run, and I had to go through the introduction regime again.

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