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Does Flubenvet slow down egg production?

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I started worming my girls on tues - not that I think they had any but I've had the ex-batts for 4 months now and the younger two are 24 weeks and could probably benefit. Anyway since then I've gone from 3-4 eggs a day to just one. Could this be just a coincidence? No-one is moulting, no mites or lice, all look perky plus the only treats they've had since then are the grapes I've used to dose them and a few cabbage leaves. They haven't free ranged since then either as I've had a busy week so they've been in their run the whole time. Their one egg yesterday was in the mud in the run - which is unusual for them - usually in the nest box. Maybe it's the storms putting them off? Has anyone elses chooks been put off by the thunderous storms we've been having?

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I wormed my ex-batts a couple of weeks ago and egg production wasn't affected, but I had 2 soft eggs yesterday after terrific storms the night before (that I slept straight through :shock: ).


Next week is the local carnival, which has a very long and loud firework display on Thursday, so I'm expecting more softies next Friday/Saturday (unless the rain-dance works :evil:).


Think if I was an ex-batt or a baby hen faced with my first storm (or fireworks), I'd be too scared to think about egg-production too :lol: - must seem like the end of the world to them.

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Yeah, storms scare ME so my poor little hens must've been pooping themselves (Well, they poop enough to be fair! :D ) Probably gone off lay due to that. Was more lightening last night although I didn't hear any thunder. Heard on the radio today that they think the freaky storms are over now as the air is cooler. Hmm, won't hold my breath. I wonder if they are as sensitive to a storm coming as dogs and cats? I wasn't around to notice but they have been more unsettled knowing one was on the way.

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I've not noticed a drop in egg production when using Flubenvet.


I wonder if they are as sensitive to a storm coming as dogs and cats? I wasn't around to notice but they have been more unsettled knowing one was on the way.


Some time ago I was pottering in the garden, lovely day, and my chooks had their tails down (like they do when it's raining). Thought nothing of it, and then 30 mins later we had an almighty storm. So they knew it was coming before I did.


I have had the odd misshappen egg after a storm. Usually torpedo shape.

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I've not noticed any drop, & its their last day tomorrow.

Stevie maybe you could sell some of your flubenvet to other Omleteers? I bought some from Mrs Webmuppet, as I didn't want to buy a huge tub of it for 4 hens.


Good idea cos the tub i have will literally last me for decades at this rate-unless i increase my flock to epic porportions!!! :lol:


Not sure how i could send it through post without it looking like either cocaine or anthrax though! :shock:

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