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How high can he fly

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Hello l have had my call drake get out of my garden, l did not see how as l was dealing with the kids but l think my little dog must have chased him of when my chooks were out as he lived with them.I had blocked him of but he must have found a gap.He had gone in to my neighbours garden.They came to let me know he was there but they must have chased him as he got onto the garage.There are some people that saw him around.But we have knocked at every door and no luck.Last night l did not sleep and im feeling bad.Im scared a fox would have got him we live very close to the farm.My question is how high could he fly l have never seen a call fly so im hoping he might fly to safety.

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sorry I cant answer your question but I hope someone will come along soon.


hope you get him back, Im sure he will be fine.


imo, if he got out of your garden then I would assume he can get to a reasonable height. Im sure he would have headed for some water and if anything came near would head towards the center. He would haave prob found some girls..... you know what these boys are like.

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A man has knocked at my door saying he saw a fox running around the other evening with a duck in its mouth :twisted: He said what it looked like as well.


Oh gosh! Im sure the possibilities of it being your duck are small. its hard to see what a fox is carring at night.


you said you blocked any places he could have exscaped while the run was open, you did your best. Regardless of what has happened he sounds like he has had a fantastic life while he was with you and you should be pleased with that. No one could have seccond guessed what would have happened, wheather he would have got out of the garden or not etc.



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