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worried about Milo...

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Good news about Milo. It sounds as though they think he has a minor chest infection if they've given him tablets for bronchitis.


As I recall my old Lab (who had his spleen removed at aged 12) used to pant a lot in his old age. The vets came to the conclusion there was nothing wrong except 'old age' and things just not working as well as they used to.


Fingers crossed for the second opinion on the x-rays.

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I am happy to have him home though am still worried about him.


He hasn't wanted to eat very much - vet reckons his throat is sore from barking "missed his mummy" whilst at the vets apparently and let them all know and from having a tube down his throat, he hasn't wanted to go to the toilet outside (tho when DH and i took him for a walk he seemed ok) and has been whining on and off all day.


First thing this morning he woke DH up at 5am whining (he was not best pleased!) he came up onto our bed and stopped so i thought it was just a separation thing after we had 'abandoned' him at the vets as he was better in the morning after that. But after his walk and on and off all afternoon he has been whining pitifully so am wondering if its pain related after all... :(


Have phoned vets and am waiting for them to get back to me but don't really want to take him in again as that gets him really agitated, traveling in the car...

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It's not unusual for dogs to whine after an anaesthetic.


It's not usually pain related. They feel very disorientated and I know it is very upsetting to listen to but after 24 hours they should return to normal.


Lots of TLC for both of you :D


Thats very reassuring gamebird. Have you experienced it yourself then? Its driving me and DH a bit mad yet trying to feel sorry for him to!


He's been diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis




by process of elimination as his x-ray came back clear - so no tumours which is good - but not sure how serious or not this is - the vet said its painfree but theres no real cure. :? She wants me to keep an eye on him this week and report back.

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