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Blackie is sick

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She spent most of yesterday sat down with her eyes closed, and didn't eat or drink anything. We managed to get a bit of water into her before she went to bed and tempted her with a few worms and some porridge.


She did lay an egg yesterday - I was half expecting a softie as she had done a poo that looked like egg white just before (which Ginger ate :vom:), but it was hard and normal.


This morning she seems a little brighter but has only made a very half hearted attempt at eating, and I've not seen her drink. Her crop seems a little large, but feels normal - well it feels the same Gingers anyway...


I've had to come to work and am hoping the OH can pop home during the day to check on her. If she is still not right tonight I think I'll try a vet but in the mean time can anyone suggest what might be wrong? Also if she continues not to drink herself, how much should we be giving her - I don't want to drown the poor thing.



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I didn't manage to catch hold of her this morning (she may be sick, but she can still run!) so I last had a good feel of her yesterday evening. It definitely wasn't hard - I suppose it could have been spongy - it felt normal really apart from the size considering she had hardly eaten.


Is there anything in particular which may give her crop problems? She hasn't had anything out of the ordinary as far as I'm aware, although I do think she may have had an overdose of treats (raisins) whilst we were away, but that was over a week ago.

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I've just had another feel of her crop and there seems to be a large (fist sized), soft mass that moves around easily.


She is still really low, but appears to have more energy than yesterday.


She has an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning and I'm debating whether or not to bring her in for the night - trouble is today she is quite active so I'm not that confident she would stay put.


If anyone has any suggestions of things to do for her now I'd appreciate it, particularly any guidance on how much water we should be trying to get her to take.

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I would gently massage the crop and see if it will help it to empty. Some probiotic yoghurt might help her if it is sour crop, as it will help fight the fungal infection.


If she will drink, let her take as much as she wants. If she won't perhaps you could gently syringe a few mls every or or so whilst she is awake.


Don't overfill the crop though, if it doesn't seem to be emptying at all.


Good luck.


PS...if it is sour crop, I have read on other forums that Daktarin Gel is useful.. It is an anti thrush agent sold at the chemist.

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Thanks Egluntine.


She's been on yogurt and pellet porridge for the last few days, but refused to eat even that yesterday evening.


The vet can't find anything wrong, crop is now empty apparently, and there is an egg 'on the way'. She's had some antibiotics just in case, so I think we'll just have to wait and see.


Maybe she just has the hump with the weather!

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I'd already ordered some Flubenvet before Blackie got sick at the weekend, and it's arrived today. OH went and collected it from the Post Office and has taken it upon himself to give some to the girls before I got home.


Trouble is I think he has massivly overdosed them in his complete panic and desperation to do something that might make Blackie well again.


He has given them each some in a grape AND put it in the feed AND the grit, and it appears to be scattered around the run and garden (Ginger knocked the spoon out of his hand!). He says less than a teaspoon in total, but I'm not convinced - it looks far more than that.


I've taken the food and grit out and replaced them with fresh, and the rain will wash the rest away.


My very rough calculations come up with 0.3 grams a day for two birds as correct(?), and I think they have had the opportunity to consume about 5g between them just this afternoon!


Any idea what the worst case scenario is? Should we (by that I mean me) continue to dose them correctly for the remaining 6 days or not?

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I'm not sure of the aftereffects or even if you should continue to worm them but I'm almost certain after that dose that you must not eat the eggs for about a week. I'm sure Egluntine or someone else will be along to confirm it.

Glad to hear she's hanging in there and nothing has been found hope she picks up


Mrs B

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Blackie has perked up a lot over the last two days, but we've seen no sign of the egg promised by the vet back on Tuesday.


She's still eating very little but is now drinking more, doesn't appear to be straining or in any discomfort and her vent is clean and normal looking. She hasn't done a proper poo for days though, only milky white liquid and the odd slightly grassy looking fibrous one :? .


I'm now wondering if she could be egg bound, and if so how long should we leave her before either taking her back to the vet or attempting some other intervention?

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