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Guest Poet

nervous wreck!

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what a day! The weather is horrible; dark, wet and windy.


Mariana was still poorly this morning but it turned out to be a soft egg and she seems fine now. Shalott was fine this morning but now looks depressed, standing about with eyes shut. Either tired or a softie on the way!?


Then my poor little Harry (budgie) fell off his perch and was squeaking and wobbling all over the place. I had him on my knee for about 10 minutes and he seemed to be fading. He is 11 years old so I was dreading this day. He stopped squeaking and started to lie down, eyes closed, I was in floods of tears!


Then he started to pick up, little by litle. He was very unbalanced at first so I kept him on my knee but now he seems back to his old self, hopping about on his perches and scoffing his millet! I think he may have had a stroke, budgies are prone to them unfortunately. But, fingers x'd, he'll be okay.


Shalott seems a little better now but still a bit tired looking.


I was okay this morning but now I'm a gibbering wreck!!!!


I can just about cope with 1 sick bird at a time, but 3 at the same time!!!!


Let's hope things can only get better eh!

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thanks guys, I know it's not like having poorly kids or anything but they're all my babies, they all have their own characters and I love them. It breaks my heart to see them ill and they can't tell me what's wrong.


I really thought Harry was on his way out, all I could do was stroke him and be with him. Somehow he rallied so we're keeping a close eye on him and keeping everything x'd. It was horrible to see him suffering.


Hi Leann, yes but not much, he says "hello babba" and "hello baby" :)

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Harry seems well, a little shaky but almost back to normal.


Ian took Shalott to the vets as she was really looking off colour today; hunched, eyes closed, hardly eating or drinking and doing eggy coloured poos. After2-3 days we knew it was time to take action! I didn't go, I couldn't, in case of the worst!


The vet said she had a soft egg that was stuck so they 'unstuck' it and got most of it out, she's had a baytril injection and this time we've been given baytril tablets to give her. We were charged £21 this time which is odd because they spent longer working on her than when we took Mariana and Mariana's visit, plus her (liquid) baytril was £31!?


The vet said the tablets would probably be easier to administer, we've been told to just put half a pill in her beak and she'll swallow it! We shall see...fingers x'd she's picked up a bit t'row.


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she seems a tad bit better today so hopefully she'll continue in that vein, I'd hate to lose her now that she's starting to look like a real chicken! Bless her.


this is her when we got her




and here's some from today










still got a baldy bum though!



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I think it depends on a number of things, we got them in October and they were all still laying so a lot of their energy was being used to make eggs and keep them warm. Maud and Fatima weren't in as bad shape as Lottie (shalott) and Mariana, so they feathered up within a few months.


Lottie really started to feather up once the warmer weather kicked in, plus she's not laying now so I guess all her energy can go into feather production!?


Human hair and nails grow less quickly in Winter, maybe it's the same with chooks :)


Anyway, here's hoping my little 'un is okay in the morning :pray:


p.s. Vicki my internet connection is appaling lately (that's TalkTalk BB for you!) so I'll PM you as soon as I can, it's taken me over an hour or so to post this! :roll:

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*fingers crossed* for all your birds, Poet.


I had a budgie once, who apparantly had a stroke and died whilst in the midst of eating. It was very bizarre. We came down one morning and he was just stood at the seed hopper like he'd been frozen.


Glad Harry seems to be getting over his "turn". :D


You're getting to be a dab hand at this Baytril lark, aren't you?

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Hi Poet,

Sorry to hear about your budgie woes but glad things are improving. Our loved ones are exactly that no matter what shape, form or species they are. We have such a capacity to love and be loved another of humankind's amazing qualities. Your chicken pictures are really cute - it is great to se the progress being made. I look forward to being able to offer that care in the future. Hang in there.

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thanks Karen xxx


Oh Lin, that's so sad, I left a message on your facebook and then saw your message about how often you log on to it! :doh:


Ms Marple, thank you, you've summed it up perfectly there! xxx


I took some snaps of my little Maudie today too, if I don't go out she jumps on the bench and taps on the window or taps on the conservatory door. She loves cuddling on my knee.


This is her wondering why I'm inside and she's outside :lol:







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Oh Lin, that's so sad, I left a message on your facebook and then saw your message about how often you log on to it! :doh:


It was very sad at the time, but the passage of time has just left it as a weird experience. Sorry about Facebook. I join these things and then either don't have the time or can't be bothered to maintain them. :oops::oops::oops:


I love the pics of Maudie. She looks very inquisitive and intelligent!


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Love those photos of Maude...she looks rather cross in that second piccie Justine :lol:


:lol: probably because I won't let her in! Little madam trys to sneak in whenever the door is open :D

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